Genesis Joy House Homeless Shelter, Inc.
- Community Service and Support
Transitional housing facility for homeless and formerly incarcerated female veterans - the first in Houston County. Making History!!
Advisory Board MembersCategory: Non-Profit and Social ServicesGenesis Joy House Homeless Shelter, Inc., is seeking Advisory Board Members. Complete the application here Responsibilities: The Advisory Board is a critical community champion of the Genesis Joy House Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Genesis) nonprofit. Members of the Advisory Board Committee share their gifts in service to our mission by providing moreContact
Margaret FlowersPhone:(478) 236-2207Board of Directors MemberCategory: Non-Profit and Social ServicesGenesis Joy House Homeless Shelter, Inc., is making history by being the first transitional housing facility in Middle Georgia to house our homeless female veterans. We're seeking a well-connected leader who is passionate about homelessness among our veterans, and can leverage his/her networks and resources in support of efforts to positively impact the policy environment in which Genesis does its moreContact
Margaret FlowersPhone:(478) 236-2207 -
Off of Watson Boulevard, down from City Hall